"When you buy a piece of vintage clothing, you're not just buying fabric and thread - you're buying a piece of someone's past". - Isabel Wolff

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Delete Delete Delete Delete

In an attempt to rid myself of Google Voice, I somehow managed to delete my original blog.  Even better, Blogger insists that my original name, The Vintage Biddy, is no longer available.  Of course it isn't available, it's mine :P  While I was a bit irked at first, I'm over it and back with a new blog and a new commitment to posting regulary.  I miss my followers, though, few that they were - with them here I could pretend that I wasn't talking to myself.


  1. I hovered over the photo in your profile and it said 'gran'. She's beautiful. I would like to have seen your earlier blog!

  2. Thank you so much, Diane! She passed in 1948 (the same year my mother was born) so I never actually met her but cherish all the photos...

  3. Love the hot pink bubble prom dress. Ahhh,,,memories :)
    thanks for sharing!
